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Secrets to Getting Rid of House Clutter

De-cluttering your home may seem to be a very difficult or challenging task. Regardless of whether you enjoy de-cluttering or not, this is a task that you really have to do once in a while, otherwise you will end up having a houseful of junk and other things that you don’t really need.

Most of us find it hard to schedule a day to de-clutter our things. The more we postpone doing it, the more clutter we will accumulate, and the more difficult the task can become. So here are some helpful tips that you can follow to get you started and guide you in de-cluttering your home:

1. Prepare a plan.

Planning involves dividing the task into different sections or areas in your house such as the living room area, bedroom, kitchen, and so on. This way, you will not get overwhelmed with the amount of work waiting for you.

When planning, list-down some of the areas in your home that need de-cluttering. And in every particular area like in the kitchen, prepare a list of places that need to be de-cluttered like drawers, the refrigerator, shelves, cabinets, and so on.

You also need to decide whether you will need someone to help you or not. Include in your plan how you intend to de-clutter each area.

Planning also includes preparing a list of the things you will need for the task.

2. Schedule a date when to de-clutter a particular section or area in your house.

Some areas of your home may be easier and faster to de-clutter than others that may require a day or two. You are the one who knows what these areas are. In your schedule, you must properly set a realistic time when you intend to start and finish de-cluttering a particular area.

It is important that you strictly follow your schedule. Don’t be easily sidetracked with other things as you work on one area, otherwise it can affect your schedule to finish de-cluttering that area and can in turn also affect your schedule for the other areas.

3. Gather supplies that might be needed.

Before the scheduled date, be sure to gather all the supplies you need. Having everything at hand will keep you focused on your task and make it easier and faster to complete. Some of the important things you might probably need are:

  • Boxes (plastic or cartoon will do)
  • Packing materials
  • Trash bags
  • Markers
  • Cleaning tools and supplies

4.  De-clutter one area at a time and stick to your schedule.

Don’t start de-cluttering other areas in your home unless you are completely done with a particular area you are working on. Again, stick to your schedule. If the schedule tells that you should working on your living room on a particular date, then work on it.

5. Sort things into different groups.

The reason why you need boxes, packing materials, and markers is for sorting out things into different de-cluttering groups. You could prepare different boxes for each of these groups:

  • Trash (you can use trash bags for this one)
  • For recycle
  • For fixing
  • For donation

When sorting things, be truthful to yourself. Don’t keep something you don’t really need just because someone gave it to you or you are thinking that you might need it in the future. Just let go!

6. After sorting, be sure to keep the boxes where they belong.

If it’s for donation, donate it. If for trash, discard it. Don’t let boxes stay in your house for a long time or you might end up using those boxes and keeping things that shouldn’t go there.

With these simple tips, it should now be easier and faster for you to de-clutter your home.

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