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Alternative Uses of Salt at Home

Salt is perhaps one of the most versatile and commonly used ingredients in the kitchen. It is used to spice up almost all types of dishes even desserts. That is why salt can readily be found in most if not all kitchens around the world.

But do you know that apart from its culinary applications, salt also has numerous other alternative uses? According to the Salt Institute, there are around 14,000 uses of salt. It’s hard to imagine how such a simple substance could have so many uses. Some of them are listed below:

1. Treats mosquito bites and bee stings – Put a small amount of salt in a damp cloth and apply in the area with bee-sting and it will soothe the pain and swelling. Do the same for mosquito stings or bites to relieve itchiness.

2. Polishes brass and copper – Brass and copper are prone to tarnish especially when exposed to elements. To polish these metals and bring back their original shin and luster, you can make do of salt as polisher. Simply mix equal amounts of salt and flour then add just enough vinegar to make a paste. Using a soft cloth, rub the paste into the metal, rinse and let dry.

3. Removes grease stains from fabric, rugs and carpets – To remove grease stains, combine 1 cup of rubbing alcohol and ¼ cup of salt then rub the mixture onto the stained area. Make sure to rub it following the normal seam.

4. Deodorizes your shoes – Remove bad odors on shoes and sneakers by sprinkling a little amount of salt after every use.

5. Cleans fish tank – Salt also helps remove mineral deposits on your fish tank. After transferring all the fishes out of the fish tank, wipe it with salt paste (plain salt + water) using a sponge. Rinse the tank before transferring the fishes back.

6. Repels ants – if you see ants parading in your kitchen or other areas in your home, you can repel them by sprinkling salt on their path. It is also good to sprinkle salt in areas where ants commonly enter such as doors or windows.

7. Removes grease from iron pans – Grease on iron pans can be hard to remove unless you sprinkle some salt onto the pan before washing it.

8. Cleans your cutting boards – Clean and lighten up the color of your cutting boards by rubbing a damp sponge with salt on it.

9.  Cleans up messy dough – After kneading, sticky dough on the kneading table or countertop is usually difficult to remove. For easy clean-up, sprinkle the surface with salt and the dough will be easier to remove.

10. Removes yellowish perspiration stains – To get rid of stubborn yellowish stains in the armpit area of your clothes, soak the clothes into a mixture of 4 tablespoons of salt with 1 liter of hot water. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes or when the stain is already removed.

11. Extend the life of cut flowers – Add a dash of salt to the water in the flower vase and it will keep the cut flowers fresher for a longer time.

12. De-ice windows, dashboards, walkways and driveways – Have problems with frosted windows, car windshields, sidewalks and driveways? Using salt to de-ice these areas is actually an old trick. Simply sprinkle ice on these places and it will help remove the frost or melt the ice to allow easier scraping or shaving.

13. Cleans and deodorizes drains – Prepare a mixture of salt with hot water and pour it into your bathroom and kitchen sink to clean and deodorize them.

14. Removes wine stains – To remove fresh wine stains on any type of fabric, immediately cover the wine spill with salt and let it sit for at least an hour. Soak then in cold water for another hour before laundering.

15. Remove mildew stains – Prepare a salt paste by combining salt and lemon juice and apply it onto the stained spots. Expose the cloth under the sun for a day and wash as you normally do.

The above alternative uses of salt are just a few and there’s more. Search it out in the Internet and see for yourself. This is one reason you should never run out of salt in your kitchen.

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